“I think generationally, we've been taught to like, be strong and don't talk about our feelings, you can't cry, it's weakness, and you know, you're less than the man, or whatever it is. And I think in today's age, I think you got to talk about it.”
-Michael B. Jordan
Michael B. Jordan is an American actor, model, producer, and director.
He is often described as a role model for many young actors of colour. I would argue he is also a role model for men — and boys — from all walks of life.
When asked about his thoughts on men’s mental health, Michael B. Jordan describes how seriously we should consider this issue:
Michael B. Jordan: “It's okay to, you know, apologize, take accountability for your actions and for your mistakes, and say I'm sorry.
“That doesn't make you any less of a man. In fact, I think I feel like it makes you stronger.
"And the effects of not talking —what does that do to the people around you, to your loved ones?”
Michael B. Jordan is right; it is important to talk about our issues instead of keeping them in.
Although men are 4x more likely than women to die by suicide, men are also less likely to seek help due to social barriers, such as:
societal stigma
fear of judgment
and lack of skills to communicate emotions
Moreover, when men do seek mental health services, it is not uncommon for them to feel that providers mislabel and underestimate their needs...[Some providers] might believe that men simply need to "man up" and stop showing weakness.
As a society, it is time for us to change.
Now that we know better, let’s do better.
“And being able to face those demons and face, you know, traumatic experiences head on and talk about them.
“I feel like, you know, it allows you to become a better version of yourself and take that weight off.”
-Michael B. Jordan
If you are ready to take that weight off and talk about it, then visit us for a free consultation.